>hurmmm... my ketiak....ngeeeeeeeeeee
2.How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
>ya ampunnn awal nye dah pagi ngeeeeeeeeee
3.Who was the last person you take a photo with?
>sowank2.. ngeeeeeeeeee
4.Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
>so what.... ahahaha
5.Would you donate blood?
>heheheh.. ade sekali jek
6.Have you ever had a best friend who is of the oppossite sex?
>ramai... YOL, fayadh... ank sedare.. hemo kot hahahah
7.Do you want someone dead?who?
>huh hurmm mereka yang kejam dan patut di hukum bunuh
8.What does your last text message said?
>kat dak anti my ex
9.What are thinking of right now?
>mood stdy pelis come to me.
10.Do you wish someone was with you now?
11.What time did you go to sleep last night?
>1 kot
12.Where did you buy the tshirt you are wearing now?
>alamk org bg hahahaha
13.Is someone on your mind right now?
14.Who was the last person who text you?
>membe from anti my ex
15.Peoples tagged to do this quiz??
1. fayadh
2. hemo
3. yol
4. azhar
16. Who is you are having relationship with?
>4 kot
17.Is no.3 is male or female?
>of coz jate
18.If no.2 and no.3 get together,will it be a good thing?
>wow... heeeeee leh la makan ns minyak
19.What is no.1 studying about?
>kat poli
20.Is no.3 single?
>yup i think
21.Say something about no.2
>ahaks... no komen hahaha
22.What do you think of no.1 and no.3 get together?
>sume jantan payah nk ckp
23.Describe no.4
>nice person
24.What will you do if no.1 and 3 fight?
>jgn gado
25.Do you like no.1?
kk fira.. kak fira..
byk tag dr saye ande tdk buat.. sedihh.. :((
yeke.. alamak tak pasan hahahah
huuuuu.. mane leh.. tag tuh hemo dah wat la... mane leh wat lagik...
yelaaaaaa pas ni tak buat dah...
alo fira...
nice blog...
link me back ya~~~
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